Tuesday, September 9, 2008

6 Sources

Katel, Peter. "Cost of the Iraq War." CQ Researcher 18.16 (2008): 361-384. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Your library's name, city, state abbreviation. 8 Sept. 2008 .

Prah, Pamela M. "War in Iraq." CQ Researcher 15.37 (2005): 881-908. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Your library's name, city, state abbreviation. 8 Sept. 2008 .

Masci, David. "Rebuilding Iraq." CQ Researcher 13.26 (2003): 625-648. CQ Researcher Online. CQ Press. Your library's name, city, state abbreviation. 8 Sept. 2008 2003072500>.

Petersen, Kim. "Genocide in Iraq. "16 October 2006 9 Sep 2008 .

Calabresi, Massimo . " Is Iraq Headed for Genocide?." Time. 29 Nov 2006. 9 Sep 2008 .

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Is it America?

Dissident Voice

The total of deaths recorded as an estimate is 650,000. Where an estimated 100,000 deaths were accounted when the US-UK attacked Iraq. And that all the origins from those killings come from the US-UK government. But was it really an invasion to get ride of the weapons of mass destruction? Some say that's a total fluke. I mean does 600,000 people dead sound like what we need to do to get those weapons of mass destruction? NO! Not at all we don't have to be killing left to right just to get the edgily weapons of mass destruction. George W. Bush labeled Sudan under genocide a year ago. But, in totality and proportionally, the number of deaths in Sudan pale in comparison to the number of deaths in Iraq. Sudan having a population of 41,236,378 to a July 2006, CIA Factbook estimate. is purported by some sources to have incurred 200,000 deaths from fighting, famine and disease. Using the figure cited in the latest Lancet to-be-published study, Iraq with a population of 26,783,383, has a far greater extraordinary fatality rate covering approximately the same period of time. So I know believe that US is committing genocide against Iraq.

1. Who denies my facts?
2. What do other people think?
3. What are facts proving that the Sunni and Shi'ite are committing genocide
Counter Punch

So in this article it specifically says that it is the U.S. that is committing genocide in Iraq to
continue historical patterns. Example: President Bush and all the rest of the presidents since World War II have engaged apalling felones against humanity to matain, protect and advance Americas interest to air people out of cruel dictatorship. Below is the UN Convention policies on what there has to be for it can be called a genocide.

According to the Convention:

Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, such as:

a) Killing members of the group;
b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm;
c) Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or part;
d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Well what does this have to say about America has America turned into a mini Adolf Hitler?
This leaves me off thinking the same Questions as before only because the fact that every site i tend to visit goes back and forth between sunni shi'ite are committing genocide and then there is America is supposedly committing genocide?

Genocide Emergency?


So the brink of Genocide is not from the U.S. killing the random civilians of Iraq but controversies of two religions. The Sunni and the Shi'ite. These two religions have been in contradiction since the past decade. The reason is simple.
Sunni is an Islamic who follow sunnah or real Islam that brought by Muhammad. While shiite is an Islamic who have a strong believe in Saidina Ali which is one of the kalifah. They have different religions sect like protesteron Christ and roman catholic. Since the past decade it has been an uproar. its about money its about power..and its about america and isreal getting involved.

1. Why go as far as killing?
2. Is the religion funded by any Iraqi government?
3. ?